History of the Song
This week we get to know a peppy patriotic tune, "You're a Grand Old Flag."
This song was written by George Cohen in 1906, with the title You're a Grand Old Rag. The reason for this is that George had met a Civil War veteran that had fought at Gettysburg. The vet was reverently carrying a carefully folded, raggedy old flag. The man said to Cohen "She's a grand old rag" and the songwriter was inspired.
He wrote the tune for his musical, George Washington, Jr. This version includes two verses, plus the chorus, which is the part of this song that we are familiar with today.
Later on many groups objected to calling the American flag a rag, so the title and lyrics were changed from Rag to Flag.
Our first video today includes a full performance of the original version of You're a Grand Old Rag.
The second video is our sing-along for the week. I like it that it goes through the song more than once.